The liposuction WAL of the areas affected by lipedema will allow you to return to a “normal” life, reducing pain, heaviness, spontaneous hematoma. Your legs will be shaped/refined. But before you see these results, your convalescence may be difficult.
Please note that this article is not intended for patients with varicose veins.
Here are our 10 tips for a successful recovery
In this article, we have tried to give you some advice on how to make the process as painless as possible. It is important to understand that the post-operative effects vary from one patient to another.
Here is our list for a successful recovery:
Tip N° 1
- Following the operation, more or less important discharges will occur during 2 to 7 days, in order to better live with these discharges we advise you to buy disposable undersheets for the journey between the clinic and home as well as for your bedding.
Tip N° 2
- Post-operative oedemas start just after the operation, and when you wake up your legs may already have started to swell. In order to limit the onset of these oedemas, a compression will be put in place at the end of the operation. We recommend that you follow the compression protocol:
Double compression (class III compression stockings + biflex/panty bands) for 5 to 10 days, day and night.
Single compression (class III stockings or biflex/panty strips) for 10 days, day and night.
Simple restraint (class III stockings or biflex/panty strips) for 15 days day
Simple restraint (class II stockings) for 1 month
The protocol?
This is a minimal protocol, it is always possible to extend each step of it. It is important to listen to your body and to monitor the evolution of post-operative oedema. There are several compression elements depending on the areas operated on, biflex bands for the “ankles, calves, knees” area and the panty for the “knees, thighs, saddlebags” area.
Lymphatic drainages should be started 7 to 10 days after the operation in order to give back flexibility to the tissues, to recover better sensations and to reduce post-operation oedemas. Professionals practising these techniques are not easy to find, we invite you to do this research before the operation.
Tip N° 3
- For the first 10 days, a prescription for nursing care will be given to you and you will have the help of a professional to put the restraint in place. After these 10 days, you can use certain devices such as the Sigvaris stocking threader and Rolly, which are available in pharmacies and medical equipment shops.
Tip N° 4
- Swelling will be particularly present in the joints (ankles, knees), we advise you to apply a cold pack several times a day in order to reduce these and help manage the pain.
Tip N° 5
- The application of arnica gel or oil (previously stored in the fridge) once a day will help to soothe pain and aches as well as promote the disappearance of post-operative haematomas. The taking of arnica by mouth can be associated with the following dosage: Arnica 9 ch 5 granules 3 times/day for 10 days.
Tip N° 6
- Walking can be made difficult following the operation, in fact the oedemas located in the ankles are sometimes disabling, to remedy this you can perform small stretching exercises in the lying position. We advise you to do rotational movements in both directions as well as flexion and extension movements for 5 minutes once or several times a day, especially before getting up to do some walking.
Tip N° 7
- Hypotensive discomfort can occur 48 to 72 hours after the operation. To avoid this, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids (water, herbal tea, soup, etc.) and to eat properly (do not start a diet immediately after the operation).
Tip N° 8
- Post-operative anaemia is common, so we extend the iron treatment for at least 15 days after the operation. A blood test is prescribed at D+7 in order to check the anaemia and readjust your treatment if necessary.
Tip N° 9
- Walking is an essential activity for a successful post-operation, it will allow a natural drainage and will favour a good venous return.
Tip N° 10
- Support is an essential part of your recovery, the first two weeks after surgery it will be difficult to manage a professional activity, children, shopping, taking care of the house…do not put too much pressure on yourself. It is therefore preferable to get help and to plan not to work for 2 to 3 weeks following this surgery (possibility of a quicker return to work in the case of teleworking).
The final word on this article “10 tips for a successful recovery”.
The recovery after liposuction WAL can take more or less time depending on the patient, but the key word for all is patience!
Do not hesitate to consult the testimonies of our patients and their successful recoveries!
If you have had lipedema surgery and have advice to share, please let us know in the comments.