Do you see small blood vessels appearing or bursting on your legs or thighs? You may be suffering from vascular fragility. This modifies the walls of the vessels and makes them less resistant. What are the causes and effects of this fragility? What lifestyle should you adopt to fight against this fragility?
What is vascular fragility ?
1. Capillary fragility
This can affect the capillaries and alter the lining of the vessel wall. The small vessels then become leaky, creating small red spots. This is sometimes called purpura disease. When the capillaries are weakened, the skin marks more easily at the slightest blow or pressure. The skin is also less resistant to temperature changes and has a cold, bluish appearance. This capillary fragility does not present any particular risk.
2. Venous fragility
Vascular fragility in the veins is more risky than in the capillaries. Vessel damage is usually found in the leg veins. Vascular fragility is often linked to venous insufficiency (disturbance of the return of blood to the heart) which can lead to oedema or even phlebitis. If the muscle fibres (the architecture of the vein walls) are too distended, this forms dilations and therefore varicose veins. If venous insufficiency is not too advanced, it causes symptoms such as heavy legs. It is often associated with cases of lipedema.
3. Arterial fragility
If the damage to the vessel wall occurs in the arteries, the irregularity of the vessel can form pockets, called aneurysms. If these aneurysms rupture (aortic or brain aneurysm rupture) the danger is very great and can lead to death.
What solutions to adopt in case of vascular fragility ?
The importance of physical activity and healthy eating
It cannot be said often enough that sport practiced daily is essential for good physical health :
- Walking at a steady pace for at least 30 minutes
- Cycling
- Swimming
- Practice aquagym or l’aquabiking (very effective in combating venous insufficiency and promoting lymphatic drainage)
- Gym, yoga, pilates.
A healthy and balanced diet also helps to maintain good blood circulation. It goes without saying that alcohol and tobacco should be strongly limited in cases of vascular fragility.
Manual lymphatic drainage and massage
These massages stimulate lymph circulation and help detoxify the body. They are performed in private practice, clinics, hospitals and beauty centres.
Wearing support stockings
Wearing compression stockings or socks is recommended in cases of venous insufficiency and the sensation of heavy legs. This allows the veins to be compressed to promote good blood and lymphatic circulation.
Thermal cures
Venous insufficiency is one of the twelve therapeutic orientations of thermalism recognised by recognised by social security. A three-week spa treatment allows you to :
- Relieve venous insufficiency at all stages for several months
- Treating the after-effects of phlebitis and the healing of varicose ulcers
- Reduce oedema.
Vascular frailty can be reduced by adopting simple lifestyle habits.